You can understand why my favorite article in this issue was Becoming a Book Detective by Cathryn M. Mercier. She wasn't crazy about Harriet, either. Plus, both Mercier and I read Reader's Digest Condensed Books when we were kids. Hmm. Is this nostalgia I am suddenly feeling? I have so little experience of it, I don't know.
Horn Book Reviews That Caught My Eye
The Islands of Chaldea by Diana Wynne Jones, completed by Ursula Jones. Because I have a thing now for Diana Wynne Jones.
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. The reviewer calls this a "taut psychological mystery" and says "The ultimate reveal is shocking..." I like being shocked.
Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor. I've read the first two books in this trilogy. This review explains why I wasn't crazy about book two. It moved from urban fantasy to high fantasy. I was hoping the end of that volume suggested that book three would be back to urban fantasy. But, no, reviewer says we'll be going on to "epic fantasy." I'll try it, anyway.
The Boundless by Kenneth Oppel. I'm reading this now.
Fighting Fire!: Ten of the Deadliest Fires in American History and How We Fought Them by Michael L. Cooper. Fire. History.
Josephine: The Dazzling Life of Josephine Baker by Patricia Hruby Powell. Read it.
The Pilot and the Little Prince: The Life of Antoine de Saint-Exupery by Peter Sis. I'm a Saint-Exupery groupie, and I've liked Peter Sis's work.
Boundaries: How the Mason-Dixon Line Settled a Family Feud & Divided a Nation by Sally M. Walker. A feud. History.
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