To get everyone on the same page: A goal is something you want to do. An objective is what you need to do to achieve the goal. One goal can have multiple objectives. Objectives do not have goals. They support goals. The words goal and objective do not mean the same thing, no matter how many times my computer guy says they do.
You should plan to check back to your annual goals and objectives on a regular basis to make sure that you are spending your time on them and not other things. If you experience a big shift in your work or personal life over the course of the year, you can change your goals and/or objectives so they represent things you need to be doing in your new world order.
What Are Your 2020 Goals And Objectives, Gail?
Why, thank you for asking. Yes, many of my 2020 goals and objectives are similar to my 2019 goals and objectives, indicating either that I didn't reach many of them or they are damn fine goals and objectives. Let's go with that latter thought.
These are also listed by priorities.
Goal 1. Concentrate on submitting completed book-length projects as well as completed short-form work.
- Submit adult book to agents researched this fall
- Continue researching agents for adult book, through Publishers' Marketplace, Twitter, etc.
- At some point in year, switch submission focus to my second adult book
- At some point in year, switch submission focus to my children's books
- Spend more time with essay Facebook group. Those people are publishing and share their work, exposing me to new markets. Which is not stalking them.
- Seek out markets for a seasonal essay I wrote last fall.
- Check the publication history of some essayists I read last year.
Goal 2. Work on short-form writing, essays and short stories.
- Start some eating essays
- Choose an essay or short story from the files or journal to do a little work on every week
- Plan to focus short-form reading on different genres each month
- Spend the last week of every month completing something. Anything.
Goal 3. Work on the 365 story project
- Focus on this as short-form writing (see Goal 2)
- January reading focus will be flash fiction
- Spend time reading short stories, shorter work in children's literature
- Take drafts to writers' group
Goal 4. Work on YA thriller that could become an adult thriller
- Work on history background for Character 2 during January and February
- Work on Character 3
- Work on blueprinting.
- Just work on scenes. Don't worry about connecting things.
- Read YA thrillers.
- Develop a theme
Goal 5. Community Building/General Marketing/Branding
Objectives:- Provide social media support for writers/bloggers generating diversity material.
- Continue with writers' group.
- Pay more attention to community events like Multi-Cultural Children's Book Day
- Continue with Original Content.
- Check out NESCBWI spring conference, with possibility of attending.
- Check out NESCBWI-PAL offerings this year, with possibility of attending.
- Be open to attending events for writers of adult literature.
- Attend other authors' appearances.
- Continue with promoting Original Content at Facebook communities, Goodreads' blog, and Twitter.
Goal 6. Stay On Top Of Upcoming Known Events (a TMT blog post is coming on this)
- Do more planning for the year/particular months
- Check in with goals at the end of each month
- Expect the end of the year to be a disaster
Goal 7. Continue collecting material and ideas for an adult scifi project, far in my future.
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