Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday Done List

This was probably my most normal work week in quite some time. I'm feeling both stimulated, because work stimulates work in my experience, and overwhelmed by all the stimulation.

Goal 1. Adult Short Stories, Essays, and Humor

  • I received a humor rejection on October 3rd, spent time this week on an extensive revision, and submitted it elsewhere this morning.
  • I wrote the new material for an essay revision.
  • I finally went through Off Campus Writers' Workshop's offerings for the year to decide what I want to take. I'm not done yet, because I like to check out the workshop leaders. There are a lot of workshops I'm interested in and that helps screen. I often struggle reading very academic writers' and some literary writers' work. My theory is that I probably will struggle with workshops they run, too, so if I have to cut down on workshops, that's a place to start.
  • This morning I heard about a flash fiction contest and considered entering it for a while. The entrance fee is larger than I usually like to pay, since contests with entrance fees are really gambling, right? But I made more money this month on Medium than I expected to, and I could submit two pieces of flash, which I just happened to have. But then while looking at files, I realized that I had submitted one of them somewhere else several months ago and haven't heard back yet so that story isn't eligible and did I want to submit just one story for that price? And I spent too much time on that this morning.
  • Spent a little time making sure I'm up-to-date documenting what I've sent where. If you read the preceding bulleted point, you know why.
  • Decided I need to create a reading schedule. Don't know when that will happen.

Goal 3. Community Building, Marketing, and Branding

  • Did a Time Management Tuesday post this week and have plans for several more.
  • Did a number of blog posts this week and have plans for several more.
  • Promoted a couple of those blog posts.
  • Hope to get some blog posts started this weekend
  • Finished up still another website update with Computer Guy.

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