I bookmark podcasts to save for these times when I'm in the kitchen for hours at a time. I am aware that multi-tasking is no longer considered a thing, but listening to someone talk while I'm browning chicken or shaping cookies is close.
Of course, I have notes floating around my kitchen that I took maybe a couple months ago while bopping between listening to a podcast and cooking something. Sad to say, I didn't jot down what podcast I was listening to, so I can't share. A few insights stuck with me.
Today, though, I can actually provide my playlist.
- How to Write a Story with John Dufresne. Kind of a downer at first. No happy ending! Everybody dies! Made up for it at the end, though. The muse doesn't go to football games and parties.
- Chimamanda Adiche: What Are The Dangers Of A Single Story? I'm into story as a sort of mystical thing, and I thought this was excellent.
- Write The Book Interview with Laurie Calkhoven. I've listened to podcasts of Write The Book interviews before. It's a very nice radio show out of Burlington, Vermont. I chose the Laurie Calkhoven interview because we're Facebook friends. We sort of met in the hall at a NESCBWI Conference (maybe the one the interviewer mentions at the end of the program). We both ran workshops in the same room. Hers was just before mine.
Still trying to get my head around the concept of a podcast. I can only listen to about 4 minutes at a time, but if I were working in the kitchen, I might hang in their longer. I don't like to be read to, either!
Heh. You and Tech Boy and not wanting children to come for treats. He thinks baking with leftover Mounds is a GRAND idea. I think we should just buy fewer chocolates, but I sense that's not going to happen.
I, too, feel that listening to a podcast means I'm accomplishing a lot, only because it feels like WORK. Unfortunately the only place I can listen to podcasts is when I'm stuck on a treadmill/elliptical machine - I find listening to THE MOTH is best, but in a pinch, ON BEING with Krista Tippet or conversations with Sherman Alexie (who now has a podcast) work too - but I get distracted and bored too easily aurally. The only time reading works for me is if I'm meant to go to sleep...
Karen--I have trouble keeping my attention on something I'm listening to, also. When I get really into a podcast, I want to stop and take notes, which can be a problem if my hands are covered with dough or I'm in the middle of measuring a list of items into a bowl. I sometimes want to scroll back to hear something again. Yes, same problem with listening to books. When I have listened to books, they've been things I've felt I should read, not things I wanted to read. That way I didn't mind missing material.
I have thought of trying to do a podcast and am going to be paying attention to yours and how you feel it goes.
Tanita--A family member sent me this recipe this morning for leftover Halloween candy cookie pie. (We do chocolate chip cookie pies for Thanksgiving and Christmas.)
If I'm on a stationary bike or treadmill, I read a magazine/paperback or channel surf or both. I don't think I've ever tried to listen to something.
In the car, I try to avoid The Moth. I find it too depressing. The TED Radio Hour, on the other hand...
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