Saturday, November 14, 2020

Flash Essays

Week 2 of my FlashNaNo 2020 experience didn't go as well as Week 1, at least as far as cranking out a lot of new material is concerned. I only completed drafts of two pieces, versus five pieces for Week 1, only one of which I'm really satisfied with. Also the flash story from Week 1 that I submitted somewhere during Week 2 has already been rejected. So, yes, not my happiest seven days.

On the other hand, I didn't lose any sleep over this, the way I did last week, and I focused on essays instead of fiction. I liked expanding that way. With one of this week's pieces I was able to dip into ideas from my journal. For the other, I used a prompt from the FlashNaNo people, which I hadn't done before.

Next week I'm going to work on flash memoir.

You might want to take a look at  What's a Flash Essay? by Martha Nichols at Talking Writing.

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