Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Grown-ups Just Can't Get Enough of YA

The adult world loves to comment on YA lit. The Wall Street Journal
carries an article called You're Reading What?, that reports on the success of YA recently and reviews some titles. These folks aren't tsk-tsking, though. Simply reporting and reviewing. (They weren't crazy for Looking for Alaska, either.) Thanks to Blog of a B.S. for the link.

More on Jane Yolen and Me

My loyal fans know I have a little obsession with Jane Yolen's on-line journal. Rest assured, even if I'm not talking about it, I'm still reading it. Unfortunately, Jane reported recently that her husband appears to be suffering a recurrence of cancer. (I say "appears" because I am pathologically hopeful, and I'm thinking that at this early stage a mistake has been made and it's something else. No, I don't know what else.) The first time I heard Jane speak was at the University of Connecticut, and her husband was in the audience. They had a little charming repartee going. Later I heard her speak at the University of Massachusetts when her husband had just been diagnosed the first time. She apologized for not having spent as much time preparing for the talk as she usually does. Nonetheless, her presentation was great.

Jane and her husband definitely seem like a lovely couple with an interesting life together, and I sincerely hope they get through this health crisis.

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