Tuesday, June 07, 2005

What's Going on in the Big City

Here I am, back from my trip to New York. Here's a fun moment I experienced: I was reading this book on the train that I really didn't care for much. (Which is the case with most of the books I read, right?) While I'm waiting for my publisher to come out to the reception area, I'm looking at these display cases of their recent books. It turns out, the very book I was reading is published by one of PenguinPutnam's imprints. Oops! There was a subject I then knew not to bring up at lunch.

A subject that did come up while we were eating was Book Expo America, which had ended the day before. I'm sure you all remember that I was whining last week because I wasn't going. Well, both the people I had lunch with went, and they were working there. They were representing their publisher's new books, presenting them to booksellers and librarians. Well, one person told about doing a presentation to a small group of people that included two authors--two authors were there, while booksellers had to be turned away. Get it--the event is supposed to be for booksellers, librarians, people who sell books or purchase them for institutions?

I feel much better about not being able to go. In fact, I fell all virtuous and holier than thou because I wasn't there taking a spot away from a bookseller. Virtuous and holier than thou--the next best thing to being there.

Author/blogger M.J. Rose has an idea for a Reader's Expo America.

Okay, enough about BEA. More about my trip to New York. I have a new editor. We both graduated from The University of Vermont! We were both education majors! She actually taught school for four years, and I like to play teacher. I think all this bodes very well for our relationship.

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