Monday, February 05, 2007

Once Again, I Must Catch Up

Hypothetically Speaking, a blog I've recently started visiting, has a post on newly acquired books at the blogger's library. Among them, The Cartoon History of the Modern World by Larry Gonick. I'm glad to hear Gonick has a new book out because I've read his The Cartoon History of the Universe and The Cartoon History of the Universe II. Unfortunately, his The Cartoon History of the Universe III has been on my To Be Read Shelf for a couple of years now. I just can't get to it. I feel I ought to before moving onto the modern world.

I was a history minor in college, and as an undergraduate I had a desire to study every period of history right up to the present. Yeah, I got over that. But this Cartoon History series makes me feel as if maybe I still can go for it.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

I called "dibs" on that book and when it's cataloged I'm first in line to read it!