This was a hugely successful launch. Book launches/publication parties are far more common than they were the last time I published a book. My guess is that there's a lot of risk involved in putting on these things, because there's a lot of risk involved in putting on any kind of party. (Or is that just an introvert speaking?) I would like to impress upon my readers how much effort, time, and expense went into planning this one. The games were related to Fish In A Tree. Some of the raffle prizes related to the book. Did I mention the t-shirt sale? Yes, there were book-related t-shirts, too. Lynda pulled this thing off in a big way.

This year I have to do a birthday luncheon, Easter, a rehearsal dinner, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Lynda, Lynda! Come quickly!
It was a great event! I saw you across the room during Lynda's talk but never found you afterward to say hello!
I'm sorry I missed you. I saw a couple of people from my writers' group and a Facebook friend from town.
Hey, Gail! Wow! You are too kind. Thanks so much for this sweet post about my launch party. As you could see, I did have a lot of help! Thanks so much for coming--it was great to see you!
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