Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Some New Love For "Saving The Planet & Stuff"

Last weekend a new review of Saving the Planet & Stuff ran in The News-Gazette in Urbana, Illinois. Reviewer Deb Aronson starts out by saying, "It's not often these days that you read a middle-grade novel where there are intergenerational friendships. Gauthier does a great job both poking fun at and showing the marvels of friendships like this." She ends with "This outburst is especially striking since Michael could just as easily be describing himself." As a family member who read the review said, "She gets it."

Yes, I was delighted.

Interesting point: I was in Illinois the weekend before the review ran. In fact, my traveling companion assures me we were very near Urbana.

I need to travel more.

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