Thursday, February 08, 2024

Some Annotated Reading February 8

What Is The Difference Between Mystery, Suspense, and Thriller Novels?  by Tika Viteri at Book Riot. I read this, because I'm submitting a mystery novel to agents who often say they are interested in mysteries and thrillers or mysteries and suspense or mysteries, thrillers, and suspense. I found another article on the subject that went on and on--and on. Here's what I'm claiming I've learned: In a thriller, the main character is in danger. In suspense, readers know things the main character does not. Neither of these apply to the book I'm subbing. I'm going to wing it, and say it's a mystery.

I finished The Jane Austen Society by Natalie Jenner earlier this week. It's set in a small English village after World War II with a group of people who are huge Jane Austen fans. They read her work over and over again. The book turns into a bit of a Jane Austen novel. Probably more than a bit, but it's been a while since I've read P&P, and I'm not sure which of the other books I've read and which I've seen BBC productions of. Reading The Jane Austen Society made me feel that if I had all the time in the world and wasn't always overwhelmed with so many books to read, I'd reread Jane Austen like these people did. I think of books like The Jane Austen Society as being grown-up books, which I like to read every now and then, and I do enjoy a story set in an English village.

Some Short Things I Also Enjoyed

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