Fish in a Tree is about a sixth-grade girl who is hiding the fact that she can barely read. She diverts attention from herself with humor, sometimes unintentional, and bad behavior, often unintentional. Fish in a Tree is about how a teacher, and Ally herself, come to realize that she is not "dumb," as she feels, but dyslexic, and begin to do something about it. The book is very strong on portraying the emotional impact of serious reading problems.
Ally has her struggles, but so do several of her classmates. Secondary characters, mainly Albert, Oliver, and Keisha, are particularly well developed. Keisha is a power girl, Albert is committed to science, and Oliver is just a wildly enthusiastic kid. Early on, Albert gives one of the most elegant descriptions of the water cycle I can ever recall seeing. And Oliver's light bulb joke at the end of the book is so funny I laughed until I started coughing.
And the present tense worked very well. I'm quite certain I'm going to experiment with that as a result of reading this.
Disclosure: I have known Lynda Mullaly Hunt for many years. I purchased Fish in a Tree at its book launch.
I'm reading The Boundless by Kenneth Oppell as part of the Challenge and it's all in present tense.An it's very good. Hope you enjoy the weekend!
You know, I've read Boundless. I don't know if I was even aware of the tense of some of my reading until it came up in my writers' group.
Busily adding Fish in a Tree to my TBR list. Originally I thought the 48hbc would reduce the size of the pile, but I see that is not how it works. Enjoy your reading!
I always feel my work is done when a commenter is interested in a book I've posted about. I hope to be able to spend some time tomorrow night visiting other 48hbc participant blogs.
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