Fancy Party Gowns Winner
Candace M. is the winner of the Fancy Party Gowns giveaway for Black History Month. I cannot reach you, Candace, so if you see this post, please contact me at by this Saturday, March 4. If I don't hear from you, we'll pick another winner. Though, oddly enough, almost everyone who commented didn't leave a trail to a contact method. This could take some time.
Upcoming Book Giveaways
I have three more nonfiction picture book giveaways coming up.
March. I have another copy of Fancy Party Gowns by Deborah Blumenthal with illustrations by Laura Freeman, which I'll give away this month for Women's History Month. I'll do a women's history related blog post that interested parties can comment to for a chance to win. On the last day of the month, I'll pick a random winner.
April. In April I'll be giving away Stand Up and Sing! Pete Seeger, Folk Music, and the Path to Justice by Susanna Reich with illustrations by Adam Gustavson. Again, there will be a blog post about the book early in the month and you will have until the last day of April to comment.

Since it looks as if some people have commenting set-ups that don't involve a link back to them, be sure to check back early the month after you enter, if you don't hear from me. You may have won.
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