Saturday, July 19, 2008

That Didn't Take Long

I went to Readercon yesterday because every now and then I have an overwhelming need to seek some intellectual stimulation. I just don't need very much. After sitting through three panel discussions, I began to feel as if I was listening in on conversations among people I didn't know, some of whom I'd never heard of. So I got up and went home.

This isn't the first time this kind of thing has happened to me. I've gone to a lot of literary-type events, been all excited in the morning, and by afternoon been counting the minutes until I could leave. In fact, I once went to a weekend retreat at which I was one of the speakers. In the afternoon while I had a few minutes free I went for a walk instead of networking. I wasn't being totally anti-social because I would have let people go with me, if they'd wanted to. Though I can't remember if I asked.

Anyway, this probably takes care of my evidently quite meagre need for stimulation. Last month the Wesleyan Writers' Conference offered a one-day option "for those of you who can only join us for one day." If they do that again next year, maybe I'll go. God knows, I'd never be able to last a whole week.

I do have a very interesting Readercon story to share, but it will have to wait until later this week because I'm getting ready to leave town.

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