I decided to do a little picture book research while working on this project. I'm particularly looking for humorous picture books. I'm finding them harder to find than I expected. For one thing, there doesn't seem to be a spot in the library for "Gut Busting Picture Books." Also, I may not understand picture book humor. One of the local librarians picked out some picture books for me that she found funny. Er...ah...uh.
Keep in mind, just because we were looking for humorous picture books, it doesn't necessarily follow that these books are meant to be funny. That may very well have not been the authors' intent.
I'm finding picture books to be a bit of a mystery.
Grumpy Bird Jeremy Tankard. This has a subtle story. The humor is also subtle. Kids who understand grumpiness will enjoy this more than kids who haven't had their own or others' grumpiness pointed out to them yet. The book also has an intriguing ending that I didn't notice the first time I read it. Overall, a nice work.

Little Owl Lost Chris Haughton. Love the artwork here. This is the story of an owl who falls out of his nest and is helped to get back to his mom by a squirrel. The squirrel keeps finding the wrong mom. Child readers might find the mistakes humorous and enjoy taking Little Owl's part and setting squirrel straight over and over again. That's an interesting idea. The reader brings the humor to the story. Again, a nice work overall, but this one I didn't find that funny. I think the librarian gave it to me.
Let's Sing a Lullaby with the Brave Cowboy Jan Thomas. I'm really liking bold, not particularly representational, art in these books. This is another one. This is a bedtime book, and as bedtime books go, this one is probably pretty funny. The humor here is around the fact that the cowboy isn't brave. I definitely find incongruity humorous. I wonder at what point kids get that?
There Are Monsters Everywhere Mercer Mayer. Don't know why I thought this would be funny. Good story about a kid overcoming monsters that may or may not be everywhere. But not much in the way of humor.

Twelve Terrible Things Marty Kelley. This isn't actually a story. It's more like the picture book equivalent of a listicle. Very realistic art illustrates twelve terrible things that happen to many kids: gravy day at the school cafeteria and elderly ladies looming in for a cheek pinch. This is clever and witty and probably for grade school age readers who will have experienced these "terrible things" and recognize that "terrible" is being used loosely here.

Monster Trouble Lane Fredrickson with art by Michael Robertson. Okay. This one has both the story and humor I'm interested in, for the age group I'm interested in.

This is such a great topic. Children love to laugh! Sometimes we adults get all solemn about children's books.
I looked through my own shelves for books that my son and I have found funny. The ones that stood out to me were: Do Unto Otters by Laurie Keller (I also think of her book The Scrambled States of America), Peggy Rathaman's Goodnight Gorilla and Ten Minutes Until Bedtime, Interrupting Chicken by David Ezra Stein, Oh Ducky: A Chocolate Calamity by David Slonim, and Oy Feh, So? by Cary Fagan.
One thing I notice when I consider these books, is that a lot of them lend themselves to humorous dramatic reading.
Good wishes completing your own funny picture book manuscript!
Thank you so much. I haven't heard of any of those and will check them out.
I find the Minerva Louise books to be funny. I also really loved Barnacle is Bored by Jonathan Fenske. You can read it dramatically--adding some jaws music--and it's very funny indeed as a read aloud.
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